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本分类有 442 部词典 共45页:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39  40  41  42  43  44  45
作者: Thomas J. Samuelian    发行版本: 1    更新日期: 2009-11-26    词条总数: 43495    推荐: 4
Provides English translations and grammatical tags for approximately 44,000 words from Classical Armenian scriptural and liturgical texts

作者: T.F. Yefremova    发行版本: 1    更新日期: 2008-08-28    词条总数: 133180    推荐:
The Comprehensive Dictionary of the Contemporary Russian languages in four volumes is the largest existing Russian dictionaries (over 180,000 entries). The Dictionary reflects Russian lexis at the turn of the 21st century. It contains both core lexical items and specialist terms, including those that have been adopted by the Russian language in the last few years. Obscene, taboo, and slang words have not been included.

The Dictionary contains words of all the classes that are recognized in the Russian language, word-building prefixes and suffixes, first and last elements of compound words, and multi-word equivalents to single words (such multi-word units are also supplied with a part-of-speech label). The definitions of semantically similar words are written in a uniform manner and the links between lexical meanings and derivational meanings are given detailed treatment. The Dictionary is also the first reference work to present homonyms systematically and in detail.

The Dictionary is intended for philologists, journalists, editors, translators, teachers, arts students, students of Russian as a foreign language, pupils, and all those who wish to know the Russian language better.

作者: Perun Publishers    发行版本: 1    更新日期: 2008-08-28    词条总数: 201553    推荐:
The Comprehensive Dictionary of the Contemporary Ukrainian Language. © Perun Publishers, 2005. 250,000 words and phrases.

发行版本: 1    更新日期: 2008-07-02    词条总数: 9968    推荐: 4

作者: Lingoes Project    发行版本: 1    更新日期: 2007-12-05    词条总数: 94150    推荐: 4

作者: Lingoes Project    发行版本: 1    更新日期: 2007-12-05    词条总数: 49757    推荐: 4

发行版本: 1    更新日期: 2008-07-02    词条总数: 11470    推荐: 4

作者: ismarlia    发行版本: 1    更新日期: 2009-05-31    词条总数: 1171    推荐: 4
APDL的全称是ANSYS Parametric Design Language,是一种参数化设计语言。可用来完成一些通用性强的任务,也可以用于根据来建立模型,不仅是优化设计和自适应网格划分等ANSYS经典特性的实现基础,也为日常分析提供了便利。

作者: Zhao Chao Yue    发行版本: 1    更新日期: 2008-10-17    词条总数: 5118    推荐: 4

作者: Zhao Chao Yue    发行版本: 1    更新日期: 2008-10-23    词条总数: 7316    推荐: 4
The best way to understand and remember technical terms is to understand first their component parts, or roots. To this end the various word roots, from the Latin, Greek, and other languages, that are most frequently encountered terms have been brought together in this dictionary.

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